Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Do i have to?

Hey. Haven't posted in a while, so thought it might be the time to add something new.

Had a decent day... i went to uni for an hour tutorial for Engineering Mechanics 2. And went home. Timetabling can be a bitch in uni - i've observed and have also been told by older undergrads that it gets better as you progress through your course (meaning we go less days per week), but from where im sitting, it still sucks. I have classes that could be fit into two big days but they're spread out over the entire working week. Oh well.

After uni i caught the bus home from the city and stopped by a mate's joint. From his place we went to Chermside shops (as he was looking to get a hair cut/buy a new phone/both) and found the phone he was after was only available locked to a network :( i suggested we check out the place i got my phone over at Hamilton. It was about a half hour's drive, but this was cool 'cause it's always an experience riding in his car.....not so much for the speed, his driving or the interior... because of the sound :) My mate has installed quite a lot of car audio and it rocks somewhat hard - 120 dB between the front driver and passenger seats if you want!
He ended up buying a little slim one, a Motorola L6. Nice phone.

I guess the only bad thing about today was my back giving me trouble. I've grown up with mild scoliosis in my spine and it hadn't given me trouble until a work accident where i fell on my bum whilst holding a heavy load. I compressed my T11 and T12 discs in the lumbar (lower region) of my back and it's been a bitch since. It has a tendency to cramp up in cold weather or when i strain it lightly leaving me unable to bend over much if at all and sore and stiff. It sucks.

That was my day, pretty much.

I'll post something of more significance soon.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Perfection gets the better of me.

God im pointless sometimes. Perfection gets the better of me.... i spent about 3 hours of today hunting down parts for a mod job i wanted to do to my computer.... see it has two fans at the back right, and spaces for another two at the bottom-front. I decided, being the enterprising lad i am, that i'd go chuck two fans in the space there - hell its a bit of insurance just in case the hard drive ever got hot and wanted to cark it (they blow over it). Anyho, with these being so close to you (the computer sits on the desk about a foot away from me) i decided wouldnt it be great to put in a switch to turn the fans off in winter when they aren't needed and quieten things a bit?

Skip to today - im at the electronics parts store buying wire, a soldering iron, switch and shrink wrap. I take all my shit home, realise im going to need to put somewhere to put these tools so get out my old toolbox and clean it, re-organise the tools to fit the new shit in, take all the shit i need out, cut wire, solder, cut, solder et cetera. This took the better of two odd hours to do (since i HAVE to do it right) and shitloads of effort when in hindsight it might have been easier to just take off the side of the case and unplug them. Why? pointlessness gets the better of me.

This seems to be a trait i have... the perfectionist. I dont muck in too much when the boys are making something as i have to make it perfect.. whereas people just want it done. Argh. Still, i get things done. I even get a perverse sense of joy when i know i cant do anything - I decided to try and cultivate and grow a couple of cactus a month or two ago. These of all plants i had to pick (cactus actually thrive on neglect so to speak as they hate being overwatered). Never mind.

On a different subject, i'd reccomend the new Butterfly Effect album "Imago" to music lovers (Hector D?). It has a great musical depth.... the guys seem to be able to layer their sounds better now. They are local too - i ran into them by chance at a record store in the city when i was buying some QOTSA vinyl for a mate's present. It was by chance the day they were doing an in-store signing... nice blokes - they offered me autographs but had nothing for them to sign. Oh well.

I better get some sleep - its coming on 1 am.


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